Bat Signal in Batty Bat Community

Hello Fellow Batty Bat!

Hey the eclipse is happening soon, just felt like saying,

It’s eclipse day please stay safe and only look at the eclipse with special eclipse glasses so you don’t mess up your retinas and don’t directly take photos of it use said glasses to not ruin your camera

so i found out that my owl house video on Hooty got 1000 views, thanks everybody :D

Big News for the Sonic 3 The Fan Storyboard project! If you want to know more, be sure to read the article

here is my biggest project, which is Sonic 3 The Fan Storyboard ! If you want to know more, be sure to read the article!

Hello everyone! Today I would like to announce to you that I have been working for a very long time on a very big project that is close to my heart and it is related to Sonic, and very soon I will reveal the project, we hope that you be hyped to know

oh yeah forgot to mention i'm taking a break from working on clara spell, will be working on it after episode 5 releases but i think it's good for me to take a break for now.

stealing from @Mellobee here, send me some arts plz

Now guys the game is release! Sorry for the long time, now you can have fun!